Wim Hof  - Breathing Techniques

How could I sum up this man in one word, wait no, two words:

Absolutely Brilliant!

Wim Hof Breathing Tutorial By Wim Hof  - 28th Sept 2018

Credit: Wim Hof / YouTube

Should I Give It A Go?

I have followed ‘The IceMan’ for a while now, have I done the cold showers regularly? No. Have I done his breathing techniques before? No. Will I be doing both now I’m in lockdown - Yes and Yes.. These breathing techniques do definitely increase your capacity to hold your breath for much much longer. Initially before I did the technique I could only hold my breath for around 30 seconds at a push, after the tutorial video below it was for 1 minute and 20 seconds. I’ll update you when I do the full 1 minute and 30 seconds. Cold showers are getting much easier too. Not only could I hold my breath for longer but I noticed the change inside. It feels like there is a small balloon gently releasing air.  Thank you Wim Hof, love and appreciation to you. 

Give this a go - and if it works for you please ‘PAY IT FORWARD’ - thank you.

I Gave It A Go! (PS May The Fourth Be With You) Update 04/05/20

Well I have started to follow the breathing techniques since I wrote this post. I do the video below, ‘Breath With The Bubble’ and have taken a cold shower everyday since Easter Sunday. I have committed to doing it for 1 year, so far I’ve done a month and haven’t missed a day. I take the cold showers at night because they did make me feel quite tired afterwards, I’m slowly getting a bit more used to them. I feel like I’ve got a little bit more switched on creatively and on the whole feel better for it. I’ve cracked the ‘Breath with the Bubble’ for 1 minute 30 seconds, I once surpassed this - only once but I’m staying with it. I’m going to give the proper Wim Hof method ago next, see if I can improve. I think the key at the moment is staying with it, facing the cold showers everyday and making time for the breathing techniques. I’ll keep you updated!

Safety Information

Wim Hof: Before Practicing These Breathing Exercises Please Watch The Safety Video

Wim Hof / YouTube

Don’t take the method and techniques too lightly, they go deep and the effects can have a huge impact.

Don’t do the breathing exercises in a swimming pool, before going under water, beneath the shower or piloting any vehicle, without proper supervision. Always practice in a safe environment.

Keep in mind to do the exercises without forcing them, gradually build up and don’t exceed your limits.

Love, strength and happiness to everyone!
— Wim Hof / YouTube

This Is The Video I Have Been Following: Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing - 26th Nov 2019

Credit: Wim Hof / YouTube

Be in this moment. Let the body do what the body is capable of doing
— Wim Hof

There is a Free Breathing App Available On The Wim Hof Website:

Wim Hof Method:  https://www.wimhofmethod.com/practice-the-method

Credit: Wim Hof You/Tube

Credit: Wim Hof You/Tube

Who Is Wim Hof?

Wim Hof (born 20 April 1959), also known as The Iceman, is a Dutch extreme athlete noted for his ability to withstand freezing temperatures. He has set Guinness world records for swimming under ice and prolonged full-body contact with ice, and still holds the record for a barefoot half-marathon on ice and snow. He attributes these feats to his Wim Hof Method (WHM), a combination of frequent cold exposure, breathing techniques and meditation.

Due to his remarkable abilities, Hof has been the subject of several scientific studies. Hof is also the subject of The New York Times bestselling book What Doesn’t Kill Us, which tells the story of how the investigative journalist Scott Carney took an assignment to debunk the WHM but ended up learning Hof’s techniques.
— Wikepedia

Message From Wim Hof: Wim Hof's take on Coronavirus (COVID-19) - 17th March

Credit: Wim Hof YouTube

Thank You Wim Hof For Your Breathing Techniques and Advice During The Coronavirus


Mother’s Day 2020


If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On!