Wim Hof - Breathing Techniques
How could I sum up this man in one word, wait no, two words:
Absolutely Brilliant!
Wim Hof Breathing Tutorial By Wim Hof - 28th Sept 2018
Should I Give It A Go?
I have followed ‘The IceMan’ for a while now, have I done the cold showers regularly? No. Have I done his breathing techniques before? No. Will I be doing both now I’m in lockdown - Yes and Yes.. These breathing techniques do definitely increase your capacity to hold your breath for much much longer. Initially before I did the technique I could only hold my breath for around 30 seconds at a push, after the tutorial video below it was for 1 minute and 20 seconds. I’ll update you when I do the full 1 minute and 30 seconds. Cold showers are getting much easier too. Not only could I hold my breath for longer but I noticed the change inside. It feels like there is a small balloon gently releasing air. Thank you Wim Hof, love and appreciation to you.
Give this a go - and if it works for you please ‘PAY IT FORWARD’ - thank you.
I Gave It A Go! (PS May The Fourth Be With You) Update 04/05/20
Well I have started to follow the breathing techniques since I wrote this post. I do the video below, ‘Breath With The Bubble’ and have taken a cold shower everyday since Easter Sunday. I have committed to doing it for 1 year, so far I’ve done a month and haven’t missed a day. I take the cold showers at night because they did make me feel quite tired afterwards, I’m slowly getting a bit more used to them. I feel like I’ve got a little bit more switched on creatively and on the whole feel better for it. I’ve cracked the ‘Breath with the Bubble’ for 1 minute 30 seconds, I once surpassed this - only once but I’m staying with it. I’m going to give the proper Wim Hof method ago next, see if I can improve. I think the key at the moment is staying with it, facing the cold showers everyday and making time for the breathing techniques. I’ll keep you updated!
Safety Information
Wim Hof: Before Practicing These Breathing Exercises Please Watch The Safety Video
This Is The Video I Have Been Following: Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing - 26th Nov 2019
There is a Free Breathing App Available On The Wim Hof Website:
Wim Hof Method: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/practice-the-method
Who Is Wim Hof?
Message From Wim Hof: Wim Hof's take on Coronavirus (COVID-19) - 17th March
Thank You Wim Hof For Your Breathing Techniques and Advice During The Coronavirus