Fancy Some Company?
From My Home To Your Home I Welcome You.
“I know isolation can be a lonely place so I open my virtual door to you. Come on in, put the kettle on and stay a while, we’ve got some catching up to do.”
Windows To Our World
We may be in lockdown but we are still part of a larger community. We are staying home to protect our health, our loved ones and the NHS. We still have each other to turn to
Social Life
Do you miss going out or perhaps you never did? Well maybe right now is the time to embrace 'The 'New'. There’s a whole new world indoors just waiting for you to explore.
Do you find homeschooling a hair-raising challenge or a chance to break free from a traditional system? So now you're the teacher how do you want to shape your children's education?
Kindness. Be compassionate to yourself. This moment in time is your time to contemplate. Now is the time to forgive and love yourself, even battle some demons from beneath the duvet. This is your time to heal..
These are dark days, but the rainbows are still there, they are just waiting for the clouds to clear. Although these lighter moments can't change what is happening right now they may help to lift your spirits.
Grab A Cuppa
Would you join me for a cuppa and a little company? I hope you find comfort and connection in my words. I hope these posts inspire you to live a life that is authentic to you, one that brings you peace and happiness.